JAE Resulting, Inc.             Phone: 724-309-8113
"Helping you achieve operational excellence and improved business results."
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“We owe you a million for all your help!”  

"We appreciate having you to fall back on when we're stuck..."  

"He has an ability to break down concepts that are overwhelming and make them simple to learn and apply.” 

Additional customer feedback...

"...I don't pay for hard work and effort.  I pay for results..." Quote from the CEO of a $100 million+ privately held company to one of his directors

This may sound harsh, but the fact of the matter is that all owners, executives, and managers want results.  We recognize and appreciate this fact.  We know that you aren't as interested in what a consultant or service provider does, as you are in the results that you achieve.

JAE Resulting provides engineering, consulting, and process services focused on helping you achieve operational excellence and improved business results.

Our Mission:
Improve the operational and business results of our customers.

Our Philosophy:
"We succeed only through the success of our clients and customers"

Why should you do business with us?
It’s simple really:  Results, value, and shared interest.  Our success is linked to your success.  Customer service isn’t just a slogan with us.  We work to earn your business with each service or engagement.  Our clients typically see: decreased costs, increased revenue, increased reliability, improved safety, improved efficiencies, and other related results.


Representative Results

Taught and coached over 1,000 executives, managers, and employees of a fortune 500 company in process improvement techniques resulting in savings of more than $1 Billion over an eight year period.

Increased service life by 25% in a continuous glass melting process while reducing process variation by more than 90%.

Reduced fugitive emission losses resulting in recurring annual savings in excess of $1 million (in addition to the environmental benefits)

Improved safety and reliability of natural gas compressor units through the development and design of a new instrumented safety control system.  System has more than 500,000 combined operating hours without failure.


More examples...

Industry Experience

lectric generation (Fossil, hydro, nuclear)                
Utilities (Gas, electricity, water)
Natural gas transmission, storage, distribution              
Natural gas exploration and production
Finance & accounting
Food processing